Works & Writings

Primary Source Notes

Every quarter year, I vigorously study a new important religious text by annotating all of my questions and problems as well as cross-references to the Bible. After studying each text, I write all of my notes and annotations on a document and organize and review it. At the end, I give final thoughts as well as an in-depth analysis of the text and comparison of the text with the Bible. The following headings are linked to the documents that contain all of these notes and annotations with references to the texts included with the top being the most recent.

I am always updating my bibliography with all the scholars, books, podcasts, and primary sources that I've read on the Scriptures and other Second-Temple Jewish texts. The included texts so far consist of: The Scriptures, the Septuagint, apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo of Alexandria, and Flavius Josephus.

Non-Christian Texts:

Notes & Commentaries on Books of the Bible

& Other Important Theological Texts

How to Read the Bible Notes

Other Writings & Resources

The Reason for the Resurrection (An Easter Essay - 2024)